2 étudiantes en grande ecole audencia

Master Grande École

Management Excellence Training

Discover the Master in Management at Grande École Audencia Nantes, ranked among the best European Masters by the Financial Times.

More than ever, choosing Audencia means sharing values such as boldness, listening, solidarity and commitment, which year after year help to create an incomparable esprit de corps among our students!

Choosing Audencia also means choosing a unique experience, choosing to be a player in a training program of excellence in management, blossoming in a Grande École on a human scale that will support you in building your professional project, whatever it may be: in a company, an NGO, an international public organization or an entrepreneur.

Choosing Audencia also means contributing to the richness of its associative life and taking your place in its alumni community.

Discover your future without further ado!

7 th
SIGEM Ranking
27 th
Financial Times 2023 World Ranking
2 th
Happy at School Ranking

Your path to the Grande École program

Que font nos diplômés ?

Master in Management (Grande Ecole)

Master in Management-Engineering

Classement Masters in Management 2022 du Financial Times :  deux programmes Audencia dans le top 50 mondial
Are you a high school senior?

Integrate Audencia's Bachelor in Management before continuing your studies in the Grande Ecole program.